
Speak to All

Impress everyone through Presentation

Presentation Skills Program

What it is:

This program helps you to further enhance your presentation skills and learn to deliver your opinions effectively. It will focus on your voices, your body language to show a confident image, and making present on-spot for answering questions.
Training needs that the program address:
  • People want to improve their presentation skills
  • People want to impress others in their presentation
  • People do not know how to practice their presentation skills
  • Staff want their proposal got approved through an effective presentation
Program Flow: Part 1: Learn the Key of being Presentable
  • Conduct the Experiential Activity “What are the gestures representing”
  • Illustrate the importance of presentation skill
  • Have a presentation practice to introduce yourself as a pre-test to understand participants’ presentation techniques
Part 2: 4P elements to Manage your Voice
  • Understand how the 4P elements affect our presentation effectiveness: Pace, Pause, Pitch, Projection
  • Have a Presentation practice: Present short stories to manage one’s voicing
Part 3: Body Language
  • Through Exercise “Stretch and shrink” to experience how the two body languages demonstrate different feelings to audience
  • Learn to manage our body languages on stage: hand, foot, and eye contact
Part 4: Presentation on-spot for answering questions
  • Learn what are the common difficult audience reaction that would happen in a presentation
  • Illustrate 3 ways in how to present content on spot: Time, Location, Areas
